
中东游侠 中东游侠


im_just-depressed: 这哥们实现了他所有的梦想,他为儿时所有支持的球队都效力过了,现在又与他从小就希望合作的教练再聚首了。(This guy has achieved all his dreams, he has played for all his boyhood clubs and now gets to work the manager he always wanted to once again.)

BadCogs: 先做后梦谁不会。(If you can achieve it, you can dream it.)

itstimetofifa: 卢卡库:我想,我信,我实现。切尔西/国际米兰/曼联/尤文图斯:你TM的闭嘴!(Lukaku: Conceive, believe, achieve. Chelsea/inter/United/juventus: Shut the fuck up!)

BadCogs: 如果你能实现它,你就能梦到它。(If you can achieve it, you can dream it.)

willys_zuppa: “事实上我妈妈以罗马城给我取的名字。”("My mother named me Romelu after the city of Rome actually")

intermaniax1: 罗梅卢和雷穆斯兄弟是把。(Romelu and Remus.)


Torimas: 他幸好只是在谈论穆里尼奥,而不是罗马。我猜他进球后会掏出穆里尼奥的照片狂吻,或者是穆里尼奥本人,如果他能想法搞定的话。(He's talking about Mourinho though, not Roma. I guess he'll kiss a picture of Mourinho after scoring. Or Mourinho himself if he can manage.)

Basnet17: 卢卡库有着近乎负数的自我认知能力,我甚至已经开始有些敬重他了。(Lukaku almost has negative self awareness. I am reaching a point where I am starting to respect it.)

bloodragonsin: 真没必要和他较劲,看看乐子就好了。(It's not worth to get mad at him, let's all enjoy.)

Annuminas25: 这小子就是个行走的表情包啊。(This man is just a walking meme at this point.)

simplsimonmetapieman: 会不会他其实自己明白,只是在故意贩卖(戏精)人设?(Do you think he knows this and does it on purpose to propagate this?)

God_Dang_Niang: 等下赛季他亲吻拉齐奥队徽的时候我才相信。(i will believe it when he kisses lazio badge next season.)

Hakujingomi: 等下赛季我再买他的球衣。(I'm buying his shirt the season after.)

superdago: 你为什么要买尤文图斯球衣?(Why would you buy a Juventus shirt?)

AncientSkys: 他在效力拉齐奥后会加盟AC米兰。(He is joining Milan after his stint in Lazio.)

M_Vid: 不许那么说。“卢卡库加盟AC米兰”在我们的文化里是一句非常不礼貌的话。(You can't say that, "Lukaku is joining Milan" is actually a very offensive phrase in my culture.)

AncientSkys: 他会的。而且你会很高兴看到他在对阵国米进球后亲吻你们的队徽。(He will. And, you will be very happy when kisses your badge after scoring against Inter.)

magic-water: 嗯,而且是个乌龙。(and it's an own goal.)


Sdub4: 其实老板真的不用自己上的,有无数的切尔西球迷都愿意亲自送他走。(Seems unnecessary for the owner to personally fly him – there were plenty of Chelsea fans who were willing to drive him themselves.)

BadCogs: 弗里德金私底下是个切尔西球迷吧。(He is a secret Chelsea fan.)

avolcando: 库卡库本能地朝队徽比划,甚至还竖起了大拇指,集齐了所有的经典元素!(Lukaku is gesturing to the badge by instinct. edit: he's even doing the thumbs up, he's pulling out all the classics.)

kdk200000: 手捂队徽(我哭死)。(The hand to badge 😭😭)

Mister_Allegri: 他甚至把手挪到了队徽的位置才开始走下舷梯。(He wasn't even off the steps before he put his hand on his heart ffs.)

iota96: 本能而已,即便穿没队徽的衣服也是一样。(Just comes instinctively to him innit. Not even wearing a kit lol.)

Artistic-Buyer-3219: “国米雄q,不不,尤文威w,错了错了,罗马加油!”(“Forza Int- I mean, forza Juv- I mean, daje Roma!”)
