


On the afternoon of Apr 16th, 2019, Qingdao Red Lions Football Club had formally announced that former Slovenia national team head coach Tomaž Kavčič who coached Qingdao Jonoon Football Club and Hunan Billows Football Club took over the position of the head coach on their offical microblog.


This is the official content:

托马斯·卡夫季奇 | 青岛和中国的职业足球圈对青岛红狮队新任主教练并不陌生,他于2014年和2015年执教青岛中能队,2016年执教湖南湘涛队。

MEET TOMAZ KAVCIC | The new head coach of the Qingdao Red Lions and no stranger to professional football in Qingdao and China. In 2014 and 2015 Kavcic was the head coach of Jonoon. In 2016 he also managed the Hunan Billows FC in Yinang (both teams appeared in the First Pro League).


Kavcic's nationality is Slovenian and that’s also the country where he hasbuild up most of his career. As a player he made his professional debut when Slovenia still belonged to Yuguslavia. After his country gained independence, in 1991, Kavcic remained a professional player till the respectable age of 40.

两年后,在1995年,他开始了在斯洛文尼亚NK哥里卡队的执教生涯。在执教的第一个赛季,他就赢得了斯洛文尼亚全国冠军。在接下来的18年里,他继续在斯洛文尼亚执教职业足球,获得了全国声誉。 除此之外,当斯洛文尼亚第二次出现在世界杯(2010年南非世界杯)时,他获得了国家队助理教练的职位。

Two years later, in 1995, he started his coaching career at NK HiT Gorica. In his first season he directly won the national title of Slovenia. In the 18 successive years that followed, he continued coaching professional football in Slovenia, gaining nationwide reputation. Among others, this earned him a position as assistant coach for his national team, when Slovenia made their second appearance at the World Cup (South Africa, 2010).


Last Saturday Kavcic coached his first official match for the Qingdao Red Lions. The game ended in a tie against Yanbian Beiguo. We wish Kavcic a very successful season and we look forward to his derby against Jonoon (May 11). Jiayou Kavcic!

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